Plastic-free shopping: sustainability meets convenience

Plastic-free shopping: sustainability meets convenience

Zero Waste is now targeting the busy and modern lifestyles

Online shopping has become the easiest and most convenient way to find and purchase your favourite products. From random electronic gadgets, to garments, furniture, food, essentials, household supplies, and basically anything you can think of. 

However, this convenience and ease comes at a cost: carbon emissions, unnecessary waste and lots and lots of plastic. There is extended evidence on the negative impacts that online shopping has on the environment. However, buying in-store has its own impacts as well. You’ve probably already asked yourself; what has a higher impact on the environment, online shopping or in-store shopping?

The answer is not black and white. If you visit our "online shopping vs in-store shopping" blog post, you will see the reasons why we shouldn’t demonise online-shopping over in-store shopping. In a nutshell, the answer comes down in the way you consume, and the decisions you make that revolve around shopping either online or in-person. After I made my research and realised this, I decided that if I had a local bulk shop delivery option that offered me plastic-free alternatives I would choose this instead of driving around in my car juggling glass bottles and jars in my car and visiting several stores to get my plastic-free essentials.

This is how Precycle Pantry came to life. Your plastic-free essentials delivered directly to your doorstep and with the option to refill directly from our mobile shop.

Sustainability meets convenience


Precycle Pantry wants to make it easy for you to do your bit to care for our planet and reduce your household waste. Our mission is simple: we want to make plastic-free shopping the new norm. We know people are conscious about climate change and the need to live a more sustainable life. Unfortunately, with busy lifestyles, this intention not always comes to fruition or if it does, people go out of their way to achieve it and then it becomes unsustainable for them.


If you explore our website, you will realise we make it extra easy for you to shop with us with just one click. We offer you beans, grains, pasta, rice, flours, nuts, seeds, teas, coffee, dried fruits and snacks. We also have household cleaning products and personal care products that come in returnable glass bottles so you can participate in our local circular economy! We are hoping to include more products as we go and talk to our customers on what they need. So, if you notice there are some products that we don’t offer that you would like us to, shoot us an email and we will try to make this happen:

We are here to stay!

Plastic-free shopping is a great way for you to reduce waste! We believe that small changes can lead to bigger ones and that sustainable living starts with conscious purchase choices. We saw the need to shop in bulk without having to trek to the store. The Covid pandemic has underpinned this need. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the rise of online food sales almost doubled from January 2020 (552.9 million sales) to January 2021 (908 million sales). Online plastic-free shopping is here to stay and we are here to make this experience as easy and convenient as possible without having to cost the planet or your wallet.

So, how does it work?


You can choose your favourite products online and get them delivered at your doorstep, or book Pablo the Van to visit your street or neighbourhood and refill your goodies directly from our mobile shop. You can also visit us at your local market and bring your own containers to refill your goodies with us.

Because we care about transport emissions, we are only delivering in a few suburbs in the Inner West of Melbourne. Check our suburbs here.

If you are interested in getting Precycle Pantry to your suburb let us know by submitting your interest or send us an email to:

We would love to hear from you and hopefully you get to precycle with us!

Photo credit shout out to Luisa Brimble 

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